Friday 9 May 2014

Latest from the Post Office

From the May Edition:
Spring is finally here which means
BBQs in the garden, large quantities of chocolate eggs and a welcome break from the constant rush to get the next set of celebration cards out on the shelves.

Spring also brings the first of our offerings from Braders Farm. You can now purchase fresh asparagus, but be quick as the growing season is a short one. We can testify that it cooks superbly on the BBQ! Hopefully it won't be too long until we can offer freshly picked soft fruit.
Terry is now in serious training for the Great North Run. The collection bucket is on the counter and the sponsor form behind the counter. Once again he will be running for Prostate Cancer UK.
Arrangements for the 1940s weekend are coming together. We will be having a volunteers BBQ and get together in June. Keep an eye out for the notices around the village. We hope to draw up a rota of volunteers and jobs at these meetings, so please do come along if you think you can spare a couple of hours on the August Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday. Remember that you can leave your details at the Post Office and I will add you to the volunteers list.
Finally a question... Would you be interested in attending a course on basic lifesaving skills if we ran one for the village? I ask because a couple of months ago I found myself in the thankfully rare position to use my first aid training to save someone's life. I was asked afterwards if I was proud of what I had done - but my overwhelming emotion was one of gratitude that I knew what to do. It occurred to me that everyone should be given the opportunity to learn these skills. If you would be interested, please pop in and let me know and I will see if we can organise something through the 1940s committee.

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