Friday 9 May 2014

Notes from the Parish Council

From the May 2014 edition...

Village Hall
A draft plan and budget cost estimate have now been received and are being examined by the Council who are to arrange an informal meeting with ELDC Planning to discuss various points particularly as the Hall lies within the village conservation area.  Following this it is proposed that a public consultation be held prior to the drawing up of official plans.
Dog Fouling
Unfortunately dog fouling continues to be a problem which is now, literally, being highlighted by the use of fluorescent, biodegradable spray paint.  This paint will draw attention to dog fouling and act as an extremely visible warning to pedestrians and other footpath users.  Owners can be fined up to £1000.00 if it can be proved it is their animal that has fouled the footpath.
Boundary Commission Review
We continue to try and reverse the Boundary Commission Review decision that North Thoresby be placed in a new electoral ward with Holton-le-Clay.  To this end numerous amounts of correspondence have been exchanged with Sir Peter Tapsell MP and we have also now written to Eric Pickles in an attempt to involve him.
Village Newsletter
Due to ill health Jackie Newborough resigned as editor of the Newsletter earlier in the year.  Our thanks to Jackie for all her hard work and our best wishes for the future.
The new Editor is Rob Burnett who we thank for taking on the job and whose contact details can be found elsewhere in this edition.
The Newsletter is your Newsletter and its success depends on contributions from all of us whether it be a one line joke , short story or anecdote.  It is also an effective means of getting your event details into every household in the village.
Changes on the Council
Cllr Des Green has resigned from the Parish Council – many thanks for his contribution to the village over the years.
This is my last Notes from the Parish Council.  Having served on the Council for over ten years, and been Chairman for eight of those years I have decided to come off the Parish Council and make room for some fresh blood and fresh air.  Consequently I would like to thank my fellow Councillors for their help, support and loyalty and thanks also to Mrs Sandra Bunyan for all her hard work and effort.  Thanks also to County Councillor Tony Bridges and District Councillor Mrs Doreen for their guidance and help and all the work they have done, and continue to do, for North Thoresby.
My best wishes to everyone.  Remember this is your village – be proud of it and cherish it.

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