Friday 9 May 2014

The Village Voice

In this part of the newsletter I open up the floor to you. This is where you can have your say. It’s an article for villagers, written by someone from the village. If you feel you’d like to contribute something to the next edition,  then feel free to email the address on the front cover of the newsletter and we could be reading your thoughts and opinions next time.

“I would like to take this opportunity in voicing my thanks to the gentleman in the village who goes to great lengths to keep it tidy.
I often see him collecting litter as he walks his dog, even cleaning the streets and weeding. What a benefit he is to our village. If more people were so positively socially minded what a wonderful village we would have.
Not that it isn’t, but this chap, and he will know who he is, goes to great lengths ‘above and beyond’.
Having said this special thank you, I do not forget all the others I see doing good things around our community; Ladies gardening, men painting. We have many good citizens all of whom deserve thanks.
But we do, I hope you agree, have one special man in particular.”

- A grateful villager

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