Friday 9 May 2014

Wind farm latest

From the May 2014 edition...

The Village response in objecting to the Damwells Farm Wind Turbine Application has been very encouraging.  If you have not already objected and feel strongly about protecting our special village of North Thoresby and the surrounding area please do so.
Do not forget that we can make the most impact to E.L.D.C. if one objection form per person is sent in. (Objection Forms are available from the Post Office). Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way whether it be printing, co-ordinating distribution of letters etc.
On a more social note there will be a Fun Walk from Ludborough Church on Saturday 31st May starting at 10a.m. in aid of M.W.A.G.(Marsh Wind Farm Action Group) funds. The suggested minimum entry fee is £5 per adult but sponsorship forms are available should you wish to raise more money for M.W.A.G.                           
Contact No. is 07939 195142 or  alternatively pick up a form from Joyce Erswell, Church Lane,N. Thoresby Tel No. 01472 840908 (evenings only please). 
The walk will be from Ludborough Church to the Wanderlust Way (on the Wolds) which will give a panoramic view of the flat lands down to the coast.
There will be a photo montage which will relate to where all the proposed wind farms are to be sited. The walk will be approx. 3 miles to the half way point where refreshments will be served also those of you who do not wish to walk back a lift will be available. If the walk is too long for you feel free to amble along at your own pace and turn back whenever you like!  Just enjoy our beautiful county. Come and help yourself get trim for the Summer, help raise much needed funds for M.W.A.G. who are working on our behalf, have fun doing it.
All Objections to be in by  12th May to allow for postage and  also for us to get them to E.L.D.C. for the 14th May which is the deadline. 

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